Lees Summit Rotary Endowment Foundation
Investing In Our Youth

Monday, October 28th, 2024
Tucked away in the rolling hills of Lee's Summit, Missouri, Lakewood Oaks Golf Club is a haven for golf enthusiasts. The scenic views will remind you that this is golf at its finest. Featuring a blend of lush zoysia fairways, demanding rough, and the best greens in the area, Lakewood Oaks offers a magnificent challenge to players of all handicaps.
Registration: 9:00 am
Shotgun Start: 10:30 am
Awards Ceremony 3:30 pm
Event Includes: Putting and Chipping contests, Longest Drive Contests (men's and women's), Closest to the pin contests and much, much, more.
Dress Code: Collared Shirts Required, No Jeans Allowed at Lakewood Oaks
Sponsorship Levels
Hole Sponsor $800
One foursome, sponsor sign on a tee box, website recognition & announced at Awards Ceremony
Putting Contest Sponsor $500
Two players, sponsor sign at contest sight, website recognition & announced at Awards Ceremony
Silver Sponsor $300
Signage, website recognition, No Golfers
Lunch Sponsor $850
One foursome, sponsor sign on a tee box, green, & at awards ceremony, website recognition & announced at Awards Ceremony
Chipping Contest Sponsor $500
Two players, sponsor sign at contest sight, website recognition & announced at Awards Ceremony
Individual Player $175
18 Holes of Golf, Cart, Range Balls, Giveaways, Snacks/Beverage, Luncheon & Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony Sponsor $850
One foursome, sponsor sign on a tee box, green, & at awards ceremony, website recognition & announced at Awards Ceremony
Beverage Cart Sponsor $500
Two players, sponsor sign on cart, website recognition & announced at Awards Ceremony
Web Sponsor $100
Website recognition
Silent Sponsor $25-99
Make a small donation to our cause
Clicking registration link will redirect you to google forms page to register your sponsorship and/or players.
After completing the registration, click the Pay Now button to be redirected to our secure online payment portal.
MAIL OPTION: If preferred, mail payment to The Rotary Club of Lees Summit Endowment Fund, PO Box 785, Lees Summit MO 64081. Printable Registration Form Link
SPONSOR LOGO SUBMISSION: Email Company Name and Logo for Sponsorship Signage to LeesSummitRotaryPR@gmail.com
Scholarship Awards

Supporting High School Scholarships
Since 2002, Lees Summit Rotary has been dedicated to raising funds for local high school student scholarships. Proceeds from the golf tournament are dedicated to the Rotary Club of Lees Summit Endowment Foundation Fund, whereby, the Rotary Club of Lees Summit is proud to support twelve local students from the three Lee Summit Public High Schools, Summit Christian and St Michael the Archangel with a 2-year, $1000 annual scholarship, while continuing their education within the Metropolitan Community College network or a metro trade school. In total, $24,000 in scholarships are awarded annually to Lees Summit Youth. Join us in making a difference and contributing to the educational success of our local high school students.